Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Gearheads Don't Get It

via 37Signals
"It’s not the camera that I use, it’s not the blogging software, it’s not the widgets, it’s not the SEO. It’s the two C’s: content and community…There are so many crap podcasts out there with billion dollar cameras and editing tools for days. It’s about giving from your heart with content you really understand and, more importantly, giving back to the community that supports your show." ...It’s not the gear that matters. It’s you and your ideas that matter. Tone is in your fingers.
It really is about content and community. That is why I really appreciate the comments from readers. This blog isn't popular like DF or SVN, but people are still willing to participate. Their participation makes me willing to keep on posting.


Unknown said...

So true, used to believe that myself but later I realised that it boiled down to one thing - the photographer. Equipment will never make the photographer but great ideas will.

M4L said...

Exactly. I could have the same $10,000 camera and lenses as one of the photographers I look up to, but without the training, vision, and ideas that they have it doesn't make much difference at all.