After posting the first article about Mr. Cote several days ago I was able to get a little more information.
What I am attempting to find out is where he got his 3 Million iPhones sold figure. You see, when a firm like Piper Jaffray speculates you get some type of idea of how they arrived at their figures. Mr. Cote didn't provide any details on how he arrived at his figures (either that or Moritz didn't think that was important enough to include in his column).
I came across an email (and other contact information) that appeared to be for Mr. Cote and did in fact get a response from him. He seemed eager at the time to talk via the telephone (he called me on my cell phone even though I hadn't provided the number to him). I missed his first call but continued to correspond with him via email to setup another phone call. When I called him on Wednesday (we hadn't setup a specific time, he just suggested he would be free on and off for the next couple days) it went to voicemail and I left a polite message.
At that point I sent him an email with my two main questions:
1) Where did you get the information for your "3 Million iPhones Sold" claim?2) Mr. Moritz mentioned in the article that you have been extremely accurate with wireless predictions in the past. I am curious as to what those predictions were (and where they were made, if possible).The Reason I am curious is because Mr. Moritz has had several columns touting iPhone sales numbers and Apple rumors that have been seen by many as fairly off base (I can provide links to the original articles as well as commentary if you would like).
Since that email I have received no more correspondence, either by email or phone. Now he is probably just busy and hasn't had a chance to get back to little old me yet, but he was pretty eager when I sent him that first email. I'm wondering if he didn't take to kindly to my questioning. We'll find out over the next several days.
It would be beneficial for him to go on record on where he got his information. As of now it just comes across as an unfounded claim. When you make these claims about a company like Apple and then can't back them up you are bound to get a lot of questions.
I'll provide more information as it comes my way.
Sheesh! Asking for specifics will get you nowhere with Moritz and his sources!
Honestly, pinning them down with asking about facts is just going to scare them away. How else can they propagate their FUD, strawman arguments and other means of unrealistic barsetting?
I know, and I don't expect any more communication from this point. Honestly, the fact that I was able to dig up his email and phone number and start some type of communication was a start. This blog is just beginning, so there is much more to come (hopefully).
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